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About Us

The Stacey Community Centre is owned by our landlord, Portsmouth City Council, who lease the premises to The Stacey Association.


The Stacey Association is a registered charity (Charity No: 278364) run by a committee of local resident volunteers and trustees who meet regularly to manage The Stacey Community Centre and The Stacey Pre-School.​


We do this by following the Association's Objects which are:

  • to maintain and manage the establishment of a community centre

  • to offer opportunities for volunteering

  • to offer opportunities for education 

  • to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreational and leisure time, striving to provide a broad and balanced programme for the whole of the community

  • to ensure that all profit and surpluses made by the Association are utilised solely in promotion of our objects


The Stacey Association meets the above objects by:

  • Offering competitively priced hire rooms of varying sizes to regular group hirers: currently we provide our community with access to yoga, dance, spots and fitness classes, puppy and dog training classes, ante-natal courses and workshops for bicycle repair and maintenance, we also act us host venue to Winners Chapel International to provide regular Wednesday and Sunday religious services.

  • Offering competitive room hire for private function hirers, including our very popular Kids Bouncy Castle Party package.

  • Managing  and hosting our own social club for adults with learning disabilities : The Stacey Friday Club

  • Managing our own Ofsted registered Early Years setting:        The Stacey Pre-School

  • Hosting not for profit seasonal events including our popular Easter Egg Hunt and Kids Craft workshop

  • Hosting free community events including our annual Halloween Graveyard Walk.

  • Partnering with Enable Ability to host their inclusive playscheme for children with SEN, held during school holidays.

  • Hosting Community Cycle Centre on a not for profit basis: as a local charity they operate to provide pre-loved bikes to the community at low cost.

  • Providing volunteering & training opportunities including at Friday Club, The Stacey Pre-School, The Stacey Gardening Club.

  • Acting as polling station for local and national Government elections.



Association Membership is open to everyone, please contact us for further information including the dates of  the next Trustees' meeting.

The Stacey Community Centre.jpg

Facilities & Room Hire:

Our rooms are available for hire

Monday-Saturday: 9am - 11pm

Sunday: 9am - 10pm



Visit our Facilities and Room Hire page for detailed information on rooms including hire fees.



Volunteers Needed:

Without our wonderful team of volunteers we would not be able to host our social clubs or our community seasonal events. We are always pleased to welcome additional members to our team and have volunteering opportunities with:


  • The Stacey Gardeners:                                            Wednesday mornings - weeding, maintenance of the gardens and the community centre's grounds.


  • The Stacey Friday Club:                                                      Runs bi-monthly 6pm - 8.30pm - help needed setting up tables & chairs, helping to run the activities, making tea & coffee, serving in the tuck shop, cleaning up at closing.​​


Whether it be gardening, decorating, DIY, washing up or helping out in some way during our fund raising events, your skills, time and most importantly your enthusiasm will be very much appreciated and needed to support our community centre.


Please get in touch if you would like to make a valuable contribution to The Stacey Community Centre: either call in to the office, or call us. You can find our telephone number at the bottom of this page and a location map here.

The Stacey Community Centre

Walsall Road





Tel: 02392 617 890 


Registered Charity No: 278364


Office Opening Hours:

Monday: 8.30 am - 2.00 pm

Tuesday: 8.30 am - 2.00 pm

Wednesday: 8.30 am - 2.00 pm

Thursday: 8.30 am - 2.00pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed.

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